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[NAITO @ Rotterdam; cube at Rotterdam]


Recently me and Wang Jue have somehow synchronized for what we do for the event via the amazing QQ. Considering that she's not as free as me (October the school opens...well I'm full time I know...), I feel ...guilty.


We are busy transferring films and subtitle files, making sure they do work. Some time has been spent editing the pamphlet we want to publish, with the budget re-calculated time and again. I feel much relived given that most of our films are ready. Yeah! I spent some time indulging in the J-subtitle for Li Yang's brilliant, almost epic-ish one-man animation short----Lee's Adventure.

I must mention my URP colleague Mr. Sakurada Kazuya, as the legendary geek, he helped me solving the problem of the srt. ass. files...and he even corrected one sentence in our translated he told me he'd rather be called a "servant"for all his amazing technical support...well...maybe he doesn't like the title of "volunteer"...all the best with his thesis writing! (very sincere wish...)


Yet, yesterday after I walked out of the Korean consulate and was told the visa was not possible (since my Japan visa is still being processed...) , feeling humiliated (which is not new for me...) I cannot help but ask myself, why I MUST go there, and is it THAT important for me?


Still remember the first time to be the young trainee at Rotterdam Film Festival ---and how dumb I have been. if I could make it in 2012, then that would make my fourth year!

09年在那里看到Naito Takatsugu的“不灯港”(Dark Harbour).采访导演的时候,他一来就和我道歉说,对不起,没有得奖,这样也行嘛?我说,当然行。这个穿着好像大一码的风衣、戴着墨镜的矮小男子,耐心地和我解释他的幽默感与漫才的关系;我一边在想,第一部作品之后,他还能继续吗?喜欢一个人的电影并当着他的面完全表达那种感觉,大概是作为一个电影爱好者最大的喜悦。后来在东京变凉的11月,去采访三轩茶屋的一间名画座,那里也挂着“不灯港”的海报,那个瞬间有如遇故人的感觉。

In 2009 I was at IFFR interviewing the debut filmmaker Naito Takatsugu for his Tiger Competition entry Dark Harbour. Before we started, he somehow consoled me and told me he's very sorry for not winning the Tiger (but as the rumour had it, he "would" win...) "Is it still OK you interview me "? he was being considerate, "sure...why not?!". Seemingly packed into a coat one size larger than his actual one and wearing the sunglass all the times, Naito-san was trying hard to explain in detail his sense of humour and how it's related to the comic performance of Manzai in Japan. I was wondering after the debut how far he could go as a filmmaker.

Would I still meet him there? I learnt film festivals are transient beings.

But definitely it's a bliss that you like a film and are given the chance to tell the filmmaker you do love it. In a cold day at Tokyo that year, when I went to visit a meigaza (second or third-run movie theaters; they sometimes show porns too) at Sengenjaya, the poster of Dark Harbour was there, saying hello to me as if we haven't met each other for long.

hello, I replied.

After all, what we have been trying so hard to do is simply to look for and to meet them.

I believe.


  1. fansile said...
    M小鱼 said...
    演员不开心了 还有专业的呢。。。
    M小鱼 said...
    cafe不是问题 日本朋友好打发的。。。i hope so

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